Upgrade filter kits

Upgrade Kits

How To Get The Most Out Your RO/DI Unit?

RO/DI systems are excellent options to make perfect 0 TDS water. When getting into the hobby, most reefers buy a simple RO/DI system and upgrade as they move along. We have mapped out the main upgrade options and the reasons to invest in each to help improve efficiency and performance.

Monitoring Water Pressure:

Installing a Pressure Gauge – LiquaGen glycerin filled gauges are the best way to monitor water pressure. It will inform you when the filters need to be replaced and understand why the unit is not performing at its peak GPD.


  • Glycerin filled gauges are the best way to monitor water pressure. On average, an RO system requires about 50 PSI to operate efficiently. Understanding your water pressure is key to get the most out of your RO/DI unit.
  • Filter Change – By adding a pressure gauge after the Pre-Sediment & Carbon filters allow's you to monitor the water pressure when the filters are new and change them when the pressure drops due to the filters clogging up.

Fixing Low Water Pressure –

  1. Low-Pressure Membrane – Low-pressure membranes boost the water by more than half. If your water pressure is not too low then this is a great option.

  2. Booster Pump – Installed right after the pre-filters, our booster pump doubles the water pressure and is ideal for low PSI areas.

Decreasing Waste Water –

On average an RO unit wastes 3 gallons for every gallon made. This is a standard industry norm regardless of the brand. Below are the best ways to reduce your wastewater –

  • Water Saver Kit – By installing a water saver kit you add another membrane over your existing membrane. This cuts the wastewater by half. The only pre-requisite is you need at least 65 PSI of water pressure coming in.
  • Aquatec ERP Pump – Aquatec pumps reduce wastewater by 80%. The patent pumps run on hydraulic energy, recycling your wastewater and improving flow by 2 to 3 times.

Monitoring Water Quality – By adding a TDS meter you can understand the total dissolved solids reading. This will allow you to know exactly when the DI resin or the RO membrane needs replacing. This is a must for any reefer as it’s crucial to know the performance of the RO/DI to make sure you’re getting that perfect water.